

アナと雪の女王 ブロードウェイ ミュージカル ミュージカル映画

ブロードウェイ版「アナと雪の女王」英語歌詞 | 追加曲・新曲

ブロードウェイ版ミュージカル「アナと雪の女王」英語歌詞 | 追加曲・新曲



ブロードウェイ版「アナと雪の女王」楽曲・サントラ配信&発売情報 劇団四季上演期待作!

ブロードウェイ版「アナと雪の女王」楽曲・サントラ配信&発売情報 劇団四季上演期待作! ブロードウェイ公演初日の2月23日よりも前に4つの楽曲が配信されることが決定しました。   &n ...


Dangerous to Dream/デンジャラス・トゥ・ドリーム


エルサ、町の人々 (アナ含む)

エルサ:I can't be what you expect of me

And I'm trying every day with all I do

And do not say

Here on the edge of the abyss

Knowing everything in my whole life has lead to this


And so I pull inside myself

Close the walls put up my guard

I've practised every single day for this

So why is it so hard


'Cause I can't show you

I'm not as cold as I seem

There are things you cannot know

And it's dangerous to dream


[アナ: Sorry I'm late!]


エルサ:I know I'll never see that sunny day

When this trial is finally through,

And it could just be me and you

I can't dwell on what we've lost

And our secrecy and silence comes at such a cost


I wish I could tell the truth

Show you who's behind the door

I wish you knew what all this pantomime and pageantry was for


I have to be so cautious

And you're so extreme

We're different, you and I

And it's dangerous to dream


It's dangerous to wish I could make choices of my own

Dangerous to even have that thought


I'm dangerous just standing here

For everyone to see

If I let go of rules

Who knows how dangerous I'd be?


I can't believe that I'm standing here

Did I really make it through?

Father, I did it Now I'm tied to you


I can't stop smiling, how strange

Does this mean that things are different?

Could they really change?


And could I open up the door

And finally see you face to face

I guess the queen can change the rules

But not the reasons they're in place


I can't be what you expect of me

And I'm not what I seem

But I would love to know you Is it dangerous to dream?






エルサ:What do I do?

Gotta fix the mess I've made

Everything I try

Makes me more afraid


People will die

The danger is real

My time's running out

Don't feel, don't feel


"Fear will be your enemy

And death it's consequence"

That's what they once said to me

And it's starting to make sense


All this pain,

All this fear began because of me

Is the thing they see

The thing I have to be


A monster

Were they right?

Has the dark in me finally come to light?


Am I a monster?

Full of rage

Nowhere to go, but on a rampage


Or am I just a monster

In a cage


[ハンスと有志たち: End this winter

Bring back summer

Keep your guard up

No harm comes to the queen

End this winter

Bring back summer

Keep your guard up]


エルサ:What do I do

No time for crying now

I've started a storm

Got to stop it somehow


Do I keep on running

How far do I have to go

And will that take the storm away

Or only make it grow


I'm making my world colder

How long can it survive?

Is everyone in danger

As long as I'm alive


Was I a monster

From the start

How did I end up with this frozen heart


Bringing destruction

To the stage

Caught in a war that I never meant to wage


Do I kill the monster?

Father, you know what's best for me

If I die will they be free?

Mother, what if after I'm gone The cold gets colder

And the storm rages on


No! I have to stay alive

To fix what I've done

Save the world from myself

And bring back the sun


If I'm a monster

Then it's true

There's only one thing that's left for me to do


But before I fade to ice I'll do all I can do to make things right


I cannot be a monster

I will not be a monster

Not tonight



True Love/トゥルー・ラブ



アナ:I've sat alone in this room before

Hours and hours on end

I know this delusional

'Wish the door Will open to reveal a friend'


I know this solitude

I know this kind of cold

But I had faith in what the stories told

Of true love

How I'd find true love


And here I am in this room again

Just as lost and small

That lonely girl with a desperate heart

Is who I am, after all


There's no escaping her

But now the dream is gone

Because I spend a lifetime counting on

True love

True love


I was looking for a fairy tale

And dove headfirst into his

Turns out, you cant find love

If you don't know what it is


And now it's clear

I'll never leave this room It ends as it began

With no one but myself to blame

I played my part In the plan


Dreaming got me here

And yet the dream won't die

I can't wish it away

No matter how I try


True love

True love

True love



アナと雪の女王 ミュージカル版の感想をズバリ紹介!観客の反応

ついにアメリカのコロラド州デンバーにあるビューエル劇場にて大人気「アナと雪の女王」のミュージカル版が初演を迎えました。 来年2月にはブロードウェイでの公演も控えており、観客の反応も気になるところ。 そ ...


来年2月のブロードウェイ公演へ向けたプレビュー公演の初日を迎えたミュージカル「アナと雪の女王」。 コロラド州デンバーのビューエル劇場にて10月1日まで上演です。 8月17日に初演を迎え、次々と観劇した ...

Disney+ (ディズニープラス)







-アナと雪の女王, ブロードウェイ, ミュージカル, ミュージカル映画

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